Monday, September 30, 2013

Features - Are they just too much?

For those of you who follow my blog, if I come up on your Bloglovin' of GFC feed, you most likely came upon my blog through a feature - either Top Ten Tuesday or Feature and Follow Friday, which are the two I generally always participate in (if that isn't the case, let me know - I'd love to know how we became blogging pals!) When I first started this blog, my main goal (aside from reading and reviewing) was networking and posting. I felt like if I only posted my reviews, I'd be posting - what?, once a week, if that? And I wanted to meet people, other bloggers. Hence, features and memes (cue hallelujah music).

Top Ten Tuesday: I love this feature, mostly because I love lists more than anything else in life, but sometimes I simply cannot relate to the list or think of more than one or two things to put on said lists.

This is what I feel like when trying to get all the features up.
Feature and Follow Friday: Definitely sometimes a fun topic, especially now that they've mixed things up a bit, but I definitely do this one more for the networking aspect.

I used to participate in Waiting on Wednesday, but as my TBR list grew with already-released books, I found it hard to focus on unreleased ones I really wanted every single week. Sometimes I would do the Mailbox Monday, or Booking Through Thursday, but it all just seems too much, doesn't it?

Lately, I find I've been forcing myself to participate in at least those two, and I do enjoy them, but I'm finding I'm getting sick of the same old stuff. I wish I had more discussion post ideas, but I don't. Psht, I wish I had more time, but I also don't.

So my question for you is: When you are reading a blog and it's posting about features and memes that you don't participate in, do you bother to read them? I know I hardly do unless it has a specific topic that catches my eye (e.g. Harry Potter), so I imagine that the case would be the same for most bloggers such as myself. Do you think it's too much? Would you rather read a blog that posts every day, but often with features and memes (blitzes, interviews, giveaways, etc, even though I don't really do these), blogs that have lots of reviews and discussion posts, or blogs that focus on their reviews, even if they might only be once per week? Is there something else you like to see on a blog?

My main concern is that I don't want to get bogged down in the social aspect of blogging (even though I looovveeee you guys, and would never shy away from the social aspect as a whole), because the whole point of book review blogs is to review. And I've been focusing a lot on reading as much as possible and getting out at least one review per week, though I'd love to do more.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on blogs that are always overrun with book blitzes, features, etc, and blogs that just pump out the basics? Or do you prefer a happy medium?

I'd love to discuss this with you guys, see how other people see the blogging world... :)


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