Friday, May 31, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday: Blogger-fangirling!

Hey now! Happy Friday! Its been a crazy week here at i solemnly swear with Armchair BEA going on and all. But its Feature and Follow Friday, so we've definitely got to take a few minutes to participate!

This weeks question:
Q: What blogger would you most like to meet in real life? Tell us about him or her.
Well..... this is an interesting question. I like the anonymity of internet friends, so this is a toughie for me. I dont think I've developed any kind of relationship with my blogging-friends more than simply stopping by each others blogs a few times a week to leave a comment and if it wasn't just a chance meeting at a conference, I think I'd have to have a great "relationship" with a blogger to actually try to meet them. I'm not being a snob, I swear, haha! Actually, I think the blogger I would most like to meet in real life is someone I've never even spoken to. I actually just follow her blog and pop over when ever my google reader shows me a new post.
Her name is Katie and she runs Words for Worms. Why would I want to meet her in real life?
She is friggin hysterical! Sometimes I read her posts that I wouldn't even normally bother looking at, just to get a laugh. She's funny, witty and original. Somehow I feel like she would be a laugh a minute in person! Other than that, meeting Parajunkee and Alison from Alison Can Read would probably be pretty freaking cool.
How about you? What bloggers would you like to meet in person? Feel free to say me, I mean I am pretty freakin awesome! :)